Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Day 8: To go or not to go?

Research is the highest pinnacle of academic freedom. You study what you want, when you want and how you want. There are no compulsions, no rules, just an appreciation of results.

In such a scenario, many a times the effort of going to the lab may seem quite mammoth :P

Ever since I installed remote login, I've been visiting the lab very less. Mental note to take some initiative.


I tried to see if patterns emerge from dependency parsing and co-reference resolution but was drawing a blank everywhere.

Today, I stumbled upon a review paper. A review paper is my Godsend. No matter how much you read, you always have this feeling someone has solved this problem somewhere. A review paper [Garain,Mukherjee 2008] is a summary of all related works in a particular field with a discussion of pros and cons of a system. It was a very good exercise to see what was happening. And more importantly, how much more there is to go.

In essence there are three approaches in trying to solve a word problem - have a database of example word problems, work with a subset of English or match templates or schemas. What was saddening was the intensive domain knowledge coding required for the simplest of problems. Common Sense is the most complex form of knowledge that we humans take absolutely for granted.

In the words of Captain Claw, "There has to be a way out!".

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